As you probably know, the weather is something anyone can talk about. It’s a great conversation starter, but when it comes to writing an article on the climate in Oxford, Mississippi, it’s a little more difficult to keep a readers attention without sounding like that boring teacher you had in school. Needless to say, I’m going to give it a shot as well as use some websites as reference points so that you are able to to get up-to-the-minute forecasts as well as more detailed information about the subject of Oxford’s weather.
If you are looking for a 10-Day Forecast, the following website is a very helpful resource.
Oxford Mississippi Weather
Here are some estimates that I pulled from that will give you an idea of what the average temperatures are like during each month in Oxford.
Average Monthly Temparatures in Oxford, MS (Fahrenheit)
January: High 30’s to Low 40’s
February: Low 40’s to High 40’s
March: High 40’s to Mid 50’s
April: Mid 50’s to Mid 60’s
May: Mid 60’s to Low 70’s
June: Low 70’s to High 70’s
July: Low 80’s
August: Low 80’s to High 70’s
September: Mid 70’s to Low 70’s
October: Mid 60’s to Mid 50’s
November: Mid 50’s to Mid 40’s
December: Low 40’s
Average Rainfall in Oxford, MS
Oxford, Mississippi receives more rain than the national average every month of the year. In some months, where the average national rainfall is around 3 inches, Oxford averages 6 inches. Here is the breakdown regarding precipitation in Oxford compared to the national average. Keep in mind that these numbers are close estimates from and represent the average low’s and average high’s of each month in Oxford, Mississippi.
Oxford: 4.8 in. to 5.8 in. Nat’l Average: 2.8 in. to 3.1 in.
Oxford: 4.5 in. to 5.2 in. Nat’l Average: 2.7 in. to 3 in.
Oxford: 5.2 in. to 5.9 in. Nat’l Average: 3 in. to 3.3 in.
Oxford: 5.2 in. to 5.6 in. Nat’l Average: 2.9 in. to 3.2 in.
Oxford: 5.2 in. to 5.7 in. Nat’l Average: 3.1 in. to 3.4 in.
Oxford: 4.3 in. to 5.2 in. Nat’l Average: 3.2 in. to 3.3 in.
Oxford: 3.7 in. to 4.3 in. Nat’l Average: 3.1 in. to 3.2 in.
Oxford: 3.4 in. to 3.7 in. Nat’l Average: 3.1 in. to 3.2 in.
Oxford: 4.5 in. to 4.7 in. Nat’l Average: 2.9 in. to 3.2 in.
Oxford: 3.7 in. to 4.5 in. Nat’l Average: 2.7 in. to 2.9 in.
Oxford: 4.5 in to 5.8 in. Nat’l Average: 2.9 in. to 3.1 in.
Oxford: 5.8 in. to 6.0 in. Nat’l Average: 2.8 in. to 2.9 in.